How To Fix An Earring Stem
Quick Fix When You Bend an Earring Post
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Darn it! Your earring post is bent. You have no idea how or where it happened, but there it is.
What's a gal to do? Throw away your earrings-- I don't think so!!
Here's a quick fix that will have your earring post back in the correct shape in no time.
First, don't raid the home-repair toolbox for pliers, they are too big and way too bulky. And most likely pretty dirty as well.
What you need is a pair of small, flat-nose jewelry pliers. You can get them at any craft store for a few dollars, or order on Amazon and with prime they'll be in your hands in 2 days.
Jewelry Plier Kit on Amazon
Follow these very simple steps to correct the posts.
- Hold your earring in one hand
- With the other hand, place the pliers at the point where the bend is.
- Gently squeeze the bent post until it straightens.
- You might have to rotate the earrings and squeeze the post from several sides.
Tip: Do not rock the post back-and-forth! This will break the post off of the back and the earring and we for sure do not want that!
Tip #2: Your post might not be a straight as a pin, but it will be wearable again.
If the earring is severely bent, you will need two sets of pliers. Using the pliers, grasp the post on either side of the bend and gently straighten.
Just remember NOT TO work the post back and forth. Too much will break it in two and then only a jewelry can fix it by soldering it back on. This is not difficult, shouldn't cost an arm and a leg, but not as easy as a home repair.
Just remember that once your post is visibly straight enough, STOP! You don't want to cause more harm than good.
And if you're wondering what made your post bend, the number one cause is sleeping in your earrings.
Now that you know how to straighten a bent post, repair your earrings with confidence. Next step, closing that open jump ring since you're the owner of jewelry pliers.
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How To Fix An Earring Stem
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