
What Products Make Apple Most Of Their Money

Apple tree is one of the nearly influential and recognisable brands in the world, responsible for the rise of the smartphone with the iPhone. Valued at over $2 trillion in 2021, it is as well the most valuable technology company in the world.

Originally known for desktop computers, Apple was 1 of the first companies to switch to the graphical user interface (GUI) and saw success with the first Macintosh. Steve Jobs, the founder and CEO, was one of technology's starting time "rockstars", able to sell hardware as more than a tool for work.

Jobs resigned from Apple in 1985 and the visitor saw a gradual decline over the 1990s, as information technology struggled to compete with Microsoft on software and Windows manufacturers on hardware sales.

In a concluding ditch effort to save the company, Apple acquired Jobs' visitor Adjacent and installed him every bit advisor and and then CEO. He turned the company's fortunes effectually, launching iTunes and iPod in 2001.

The iPhone saw Apple ascend to one of the most valuable companies in the world, with acquirement increasing from $37.iv billion in 2008 to $65 billion in 2010.

The success of the iPhone enabled Apple to launch new production categories, such as the iPad. Apple envisioned the tablet as a bridge betwixt the smartphone and laptop, with the capabilities to be both.

As iPhone revenues accept stagnated, Apple has looked for new ways to generate revenue from the iPhone. It launched Apple Picket in 2015, every bit an accessory to the iPhone which tracks various health and fitness metrics. AirPods were next, which paved the way for wireless headphones to become mainstream.

It has also built out its subscription services to include music and video streaming, video games, fitness and cloud storage. This segment alone generated $53 billion acquirement in 2020, making it Apple tree's second largest segment.

All optics are on Apple's next products, which may include a virtual reality headset and cocky-driving machine. The by few production launches have been smaller in scope, like the HomePod and AirPod, and Apple fans are clamouring for the next iPhone.

Note: Apple'south financial year runs from September to September. What most consider Q3, is Apple'south Q4.

Apple tree cardinal statistics

  • Apple tree generated $365 billion revenue in 2021, 52% came from iPhone sales
  • Apple Services was the second largest partition, responsible for eighteen% of revenue
  • 230 million iPhones, 71 million iPads and xx million Mac and MacBook units were sold in 2020
  • Apple'due south domicile and wearables division grew 25% in 2021
  • Information technology sold 110 million AirPods and 43 million Apple tree Watches in 2020
  • Apple Music has 72 meg subscribers, Apple tree TV+ has over twoscore million

Apple tree statistics

Since 2018, Apple tree has separate its concern into v segments: iPhone, iPad, Mac, Services and Wearable, Home and Accessories. The iPhone generates the majority of Apple'due south revenue, merely Services and Wear, Home and Accessories have both seen increased priority in the by few years, equally Apple tries to find new means to prevent acquirement stagnation.

Apple revenue

Apple revenue increased dramatically between 2009 to 2012, from $42.7 to $156.iii billion. During that period, Apple vastly increased its manufacturing volume through its partner Foxconn, which enabled global iPhone sales. It as well saw the launch of the iPad, which added $nineteen.i billion revenue in the first year of sales.

Apple quarterly revenue ($bn)

Yr Revenue
2006 $xix.1 billion
2007 $24.4 billion
2008 $37.4 billion
2009 $42.7 billion
2010 $65 billion
2011 $108 billion
2012 $156.three billion
2013 $170.8 billion
2014 $182.six billion
2015 $233.6 billion
2016 $215.4 billion
2017 $229 billion
2018 $265.4 billion
2019 $260.i billion
2020 $274.3 billion
2021 $365.8 billion

Apple revenue past region

Apple tree has always been most successful in the US, its home land. While revenues accept increased in all regions, Americas is responsible for 45 percent of all revenue generation and approximately 40 percent of that is from the U.s.a. lone.

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Americas 93.8 86.half-dozen 96.6 112 116.ix 124.5 153.3
Europe 50.three 49.8 36.8 62.four threescore.two 68.6 89.3
Cathay 58.7 48.5 51.6 51.nine 43.half-dozen twoscore.3  68.3
Nihon 15.7 xvi.9 15.3 21.7 21.5 21.iv 28.4
Residue of Asia Pacific xv thirteen.6 44.1 17.4 17.eight 19.six  26.three

Annotation: Values are $bn.

Apple revenue by product

iPhone continues to be the main acquirement generator, but its percentage has decreased in the by five years. Apple's other hardware, which includes Watch, AirPods, HomePod and Beats, has become a priority category for Apple, as a manner to add more acquirement to a single iPhone purchase. Services take besides seen significant growth in the past v years.

iPhone statistics

iPhone is Apple's nearly valuable production and has, since 2008, been its master source of acquirement. Even though Apple has diversified its production line with Sentry, AirPods and services, iPhone is still responsible for 50 percent of Apple'south revenue.

In the past two years, Apple tree has launched four models of iPhone. These are: iPhone, Mini, Pro and Max. All come up with different price points and are aimed at targeting equally many consumers every bit possible.

iPhone revenue

Apple saw double-digit twelvemonth-on-year iPhone growth from 2008 to 2015, but revenue has stagnated since. Apple has added new models, such as the Mini, Pro and Max in the past two years, although that hasn't fatigued in more customers. More customers are likewise belongings onto their phone for longer, with Apple providing software upgrades for longer than ii years.

iPhone quarterly revenue ($bn)

Year Revenue
2008 $i.eight billion
2009 $thirteen billion
2010 $25.1 billion
2011 $45.9 billion
2012 $78.6 billion
2013 $91.2 billion
2014 $101.9 billion
2015 $155 billion
2016 $136.8 billion
2017 $141.2 billion
2018 $166.two billion
2019 $142.iii billion
2020 $137.7 billion
2021 $191.9 billion

iPhone sales

Similar to revenue, iPhone sales saw enormous growth between 2008-2015. Sales peaked at 2015, with a steady decline of 14 pct from 2015 to 2020. This decline is mostly due to increased competition in China by Xiaomi and Huawei.

Yr Sales
2008 11.6 one thousand thousand
2009 20.7 one thousand thousand
2010 39.9 million
2011 72.three 1000000
2012 125 meg
2013 150.two 1000000
2014 169.2 million
2015 231.two 1000000
2016 211.8 1000000
2017 216.7 million
2018 217.vii million
2019 187.2 million
2020 196.9 million
2021 242 million

Note: Apple tree stopped reporting iPhone sales in Q4 2018. All values afterwards are estimates

Source: Apple, Canalys, CNBC, Gartner, Strategy Analytics

iPhone sales by region

Sales of the iPhone accept fallen each year since 2015 in China, from a high of 71.2 meg in 2015 to 34.9 million in 2020. All other regions take been steady in terms of sales.

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
United states 70.3 62.9 69.3 74.8 65.7 73.iii 84.three
Europe 33.ix 34.6 36.eight 38.2 36.3 37.three 56.1
China 71.ii 58.3 51.half-dozen 44.8 31.4 34.nine 42.9
Japan 15 14.6 xv.3 fourteen.9 xiv.8 17.8
Residue of Earth 38.eight twoscore.2 44.i 39.6 41.2 40.9

Annotation: Values are million

Active iPhone units

Even though Apple device sales accept stagnated in the by few years, it has added more than active iPhone users every twelvemonth. Apple tree has switched its focus to services and other long-term acquirement sources, as customers keep their phones for longer.

Year Active Units
2008 x 1000000
2009 25 million
2010 lx million
2011 115 one thousand thousand
2012 206 meg
2013 329 million
2014 442 one thousand thousand
2015 569 one thousand thousand
2016 710 one thousand thousand
2017 814 million
2018 888 meg
2019 948 meg
2020 1042 one thousand thousand
2021 1231 million

Sources: Above Avalon, Apple, BMO Capital letter Markets

Active iPhone units (U.s.a.)

Approximately one fifth of all active iPhone units are from the US, which is unsurprising given information technology is Apple's largest market. Nonetheless, at 202 million units, Apple will have to find new markets to add more active units.

Year Active Units (US)
2008 eight 1000000
2009 17 1000000
2010 24 1000000
2011 40 one thousand thousand
2012 51 one thousand thousand
2013 72 million
2014 88 one thousand thousand
2015 101 million
2016 140 million
2017 153 million
2018 169 1000000
2019 193 meg
2020 202 million
2021 211 million

Sources: Apple tree, CIRP

iPad statistics

Hotly anticipated later on the success of the iPhone, the iPad made an immediate marking, adding $19 billion to Apple'due south revenue in the first yr. iPad sales peaked in 2013, with the launch of the iPad Mini enticing 97 million customers.

iPad revenue

Acquirement for iPad has remained in the $20 to $xxx billion acquirement range since launch, but this peaked in 2013 with the launch of the iPad Mini. Since then, Apple tree has struggled to entice new customers and iPad owners typically hold onto their device for more than 3 years.

iPad quarterly revenue ($bn)

Twelvemonth Revenue
2011 $nineteen.1 billion
2012 $30.9 billion
2013 $31.9 billion
2014 $30.2 billion
2015 $23.two billion
2016 $twenty.6 billion
2017 $19.ii billion
2018 $18.6 billion
2019 $21.2 billion
2020 $23.7 billion
2021 $31.eight billion

iPad sales

Apple saw an impressive 57 pct increase in iPad sales last twelvemonth, primarily due to the coronavirus pandemic. This was non plenty to reach the 2013 peak, even so it reverses four years of sales in the 43-45 million range.

Yr Sales
2011 32.3 1000000
2012 million
2013 97 million
2014 67.9 million
2015 53.8 one thousand thousand
2016 45.5 million
2017 43.vii million
2018 43.5 million
2019 45.two 1000000
2020 71.1 million
2021 57.8 1000000

Note: Apple tree stopped reporting iPad sales in Q4 2018. All values afterwards are estimates

Sources: Apple, Canalys, IDC, Strategy Analytics

Wearable, Home and Accessories statistics

Apple does not suspension out its other categories, making it difficult to determine how much acquirement each product is generating. Yet, we know Watch, AirPods and Beats are the iii key products in this segment.

Vesture, Home and Accessories revenue

Apple has seen 243 percent growth in this segment since it arranged together all of its other hardware segments. We gauge that AirPods is a $10 billion business organisation on its ain, with Apple tree Watch also potentially contributing between $12 to $fourteen billion a year.

Wearable, Domicile and Accessories quarterly revenue ($bn)

Year Revenue
2015 $9.8 billion
2016 $10.9 billion
2017 $12.7 billion
2018 $17.three billion
2019 $24.4 billion
2020 $30.6 billion
2021 $38.3 billion

Apple tree Spotter sales

Since it launched in 2015, Apple Watch has led the smartwatch market with over 50 percent market share in 2020. There was double digit growth from 2017 to 2020, but that slowed in 2021. According to Strategy Analytics, Apple tree Watch saw a xl percent increase in sales between 2019 and 2020.

Year Sales
2015 viii.3 meg
2016 11.9 million
2017 12.8 million
2018 22.five meg
2019 xxx.7 million
2020 43.1 1000000
2019 46.1 meg

Sources: Canalys, Strategy Analytics

AirPods sales

AirPods have become a significant concern for Apple tree, with over 100 million sales in 2020. What were panned by many as pricey accessories have become mainstream, with almost every telephone manufacturer offering their own 'hearable' to compete with Apple.

Year Sales
2017 xv 1000000
2018 35 million
2019 60 meg
2020 114 million
2021 85 million

Sources: Counterpoint Enquiry, TF International Securities, Strategy Analytics

HomePod sales

In comparison to AirPods, HomePod has seen limited success. Apple sits far behind Amazon and Google in units sold, although the launch of the HomePod Mini has made some inroads, responsible for most of the iv.6 meg units sold in Q4 2020.

Year Sales
2018 four.2 million
2019 5.ix meg
2020 9.8 million
2021 14.viii million

Source: Strategy Analytics

Apple Tv active devices (US)

Apple has been rather inactive in the smart TV market every bit well, of which Roku and Amazon command the bulk of sales in the US and Europe. Apple has added more agile devices every year in the US, just are around fifty million units behind Roku.

Year Active devices (Usa)
2015 17.3 meg
2016 twenty.ane million
2017 22.4 million
2018 24.6 one thousand thousand
2019 25.9 million
2020 28.3 1000000
2021 29.9 1000000

Source: Strategy Analytics

Mac statistics

Even with Apple's shift in priorities from PC to mobile, Mac has remained a cadre part of the company'southward product portfolio. PC sales take been apartment or in decline for the by decade, just Apple tree has added more acquirement and sales almost every year since 2009.

Mac revenue

Throughout the decade, Apple has kept a cadre set of products: MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, Mac Pro and iMac. While there have been iterations and new models, this core has remained popular beyond a wide spectrum of professional customers.

Mac quarterly revenue ($bn)

Yr Revenue
2009 $ billion
2010 $17.2 billion
2011 $21.6 billion
2012 $23 billion
2013 $21.3 billion
2014 $23.9 billion
2015 $25.3 billion
2016 $22.7 billion
2017 $25.6 billion
2018 $25.2 billion
2019 $24.vii billion
2020 $28.four billion
2021 $35.1 billion

Mac sales

Even though the PC market saw higher sales in 2020, for the past decade it has been in gradual decline. This is not the case for Apple tree, which has improved sales almost every year since 2009 and increasing its overall marketshare.

Yr Sales
2009 10.3 one thousand thousand
2010 13.four million
2011 16.5 million
2012 18 million
2013 16.1 million
2014 18.8 one thousand thousand
2015 twenty.4 million
2016 18.iii 1000000
2017 eighteen.nine meg
2018 18 meg
2019 17.5 meg
2020 20.2 meg
2021 25.7 million

Note: Apple stopped reporting Mac sales in Q4 2018. All values afterwards are estimates

Sources: Apple, Gartner

Apple Services statistics

An increasingly of import role of Apple, as it continues to add more than subscriptions and services to its iOS platform. With iPhone and iPad sales non likely to see much meaning move, Apple sees services as a manner to continue growing.

It should exist noted that Apple rarely publicizes usage or subscribers for certain apps, like iCloud, iMessage, FaceTime and Health, which is why we have not included them in this information report.

Apple services revenue

In comparison to iPhone, iPad and Mac, Apple tree's services revenue has increased year-on-yr. Some analysts see it as the most of import segment of the company, potentially reaching $50 billion in profit past 2025.

Apple services quarterly revenue ($bn)

Year Acquirement
2013 $xv.8 billion
2014 $17.8 billion
2015 $19.half-dozen billion
2016 $24.i billion
2017 $29.8 billion
2018 $36.9 billion
2019 $46.1 billion
2020 $53.6 billion
2021 $68.4 billion

Subscribers to Apple services (total)

Apple has saw the number of subscribers to its services increase dramatically over the past six years. This stat includes subscriptions to iCloud, Apple Music, Apple tree Goggle box+, Apple Arcade, Apple News+, Apple Fitness+.

Yr Subscriptions (total)
2015 thirty million
2016 95 million
2017 200 1000000
2018 325 million
2019 480 million
2020 620 million
2021 745 1000000

Source: Apple tree

Apple Pay active users

Fifty-fifty though Apple Pay comes pre-installed on all iPhones, users tin still choose to not set up the contactless payment solution. Nearly half of all iPhone users actively utilise Apple tree Pay, co-ordinate to Loup Ventures.

Twelvemonth Active users
2017 337 million
2018 389 million
2019 441 million
2020 507 1000000

Source: Loup Ventures

Apple Pay transaction book

Apple tree Pay transaction volume more than doubled between 2018 and 2019, every bit more customers became comfortable using their phone to pay for things. While Apple has not revealed transaction volume for 2020, we suspect it will be lower than 2019 due to COVID-19.

Year Transactions
2016 0.9 billion
2017 1.8 billion
2018 half dozen.6 billion
2019 15 billion
2020 65 billion
2021 ninety billion

Sources: Apple, Bernstein, Pymnts

Apple Music subscribers

Apple Music is the second largest music streaming service in the Westward, far behind Spotify'due south 150 meg users and not far behind Amazon Music's 55 million. The bulk of subscribers are from the The states, which is one of the few countries Apple tree is alee of Spotify.

Year Subscribers
2015 11 1000000
2016 20 1000000
2017 27 million
2018 40 million
2019 l million
2020 72 meg
2019 88 million

Source: Apple

Apple tree Idiot box+ subscribers

Apple invested $6 billion into Boob tube+ in 2019, a huge gamble in a marketplace with Netflix, Amazon and Disney all competing for eyeballs. Information technology also offers a year of TV+ to iPhone and iPad buyers for complimentary, which means most subscribers are notwithstanding on costless trial.

Year Subscribers
Nov 2019 5.7 1000000
May 2020 10 million
November 2020 33.6 million
May 2021 40 million

Annotation: May 2021 is projected

Sources: Bloomberg, Statista

Apple tree News users

Apple's news assemblage service may not responsible for much revenue generation – for Apple tree or news providers – but it has added more readers every year since launch. It is however behind Flipboard, with 145 1000000 MAUs, merely may surpass it by 2022.

Apple tree News+ added 200,000 subscribers in the get-go 48 hours, but has not made any significant strides since launch.

Year Users
2017 70 million
2018 85 million
2019 100 one thousand thousand
2020 125 million
2021 135 1000000

Siri active users

Apple'south Siri has been the unfortunate brunt of many jokes about artificial intelligence and smart assistants, however hundreds of millions of iPhone users actively use the application.

Year Active users
2015 265 million
2016 320 meg
2017 375 million
2018 500 million
2019 585 million
2020 660 one thousand thousand

Annotation: Apple has not updated figures since 2020

Source: Apple tree

Siri accuracy

Apple tree has improved the accuracy of its smart assistant twelvemonth-on-year, according to Loup Ventures, which run yearly tests on all of the major mobile smart assistants. While still behind Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa, Siri is communicable up.

Yr Accuracy (%)
2017 66
2018 78
2019 83
2020 87

Source: Loup Ventures

Apple Arcade subscribers

Apple'southward mobile gaming subscription platform has seen some involvement, however Apple has reportedly changed course and volition not publish every bit many exclusive games as it planned. This may be perceived every bit Apple non meeting subscription targets subsequently one year.

Year Users
2017 2.iii million
2018 12 1000000

Source: IHS Markit Applied science


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